Monthly Archives: October 2012

Basic presentation on social networks in China

User Base Growth: WeChat doing better than Facebook!

When we decided to compare WeChat with Facebook, we believed, no other service could beat Facebook.

WeChat will not beat Facebook reach because the service will not be used on personal computer: the usage is, first, on smartphones, second, on tablets.

However, WeChat growth is 20 times stronger than Facebook. 24 months after the launch, Facebook had 9 million users while WeChat has 180 million user (estimate from VALUE2020 Consulting firm).

wechat growth compared to FB months after launch

The limits on expanding the user base are the need for an advanced technology (smartphone or tablet): in India, many people don’t hold the right device to use the service. According to VALUE2020, India represents the largest user base of WeChat abroad. The team of WeChat India is very active with its local partners in organizing games, giving away gifts against traffic increase and user growth.

wechat userbase FB

Top 10 Countries (estimates – real figures not disclosed by Tencent)

1/ China
(over 90%)

2/ India
(local partners: Ibibo, Fox Star Studios)

3/ Malaysia

4/ Indonesia
(other chat app called Qute still updated in 2012)

5/ Vietnam

6/ Thailand
(local partners: Sanook Online & Exact)

7/ Hong-Kong 
(local partners: Maxus Communicationsk, Harbor City mall, JCDecaux)

8/ Singapore

9/ Taiwan

10/ The United States

See the First Worldmap of WeChat User Base according to VALUE2020

worldmap weixin 2012

Egyptian users like the app as well. British & American ad agencies are closely looking at this new marketing tool.

If you have any accurate data to improve this raking, your comments are welcome. Follow us on @value2020 and ask us to follow you back, then you will be able to send us a direct message.

The last version of WeChat was released in September 2012. We predict an update to come soon! 


Weixin is now a key mobile application for social sharing. SinaWeibo and TencentWeibo are still leading the activity just behind Qzone.

Pinterest, Instagram, and much more in one application?

You like Pinterest. You are an Instagram fan.
Pinterest + Path + Instagram = ?

Next part of the story to come.

Pinterest + Path + Instagram = ?


You should become a new user of a Chinese application…

Màs sobre la aplicacion WeChat en espanol

Here you will find more in Spanish

Aqui hay mas informacion en espanol

MEDIA ACES Speeches (French language only)

Inscription Conference MEDIA ACES 25 Octobre Ubifrance, Paris – #mediaaces

Warning for October 25th: Speeches in French language only

La prochaine conference Media Aces [interventions en Francais]aura lieu le 25 octobre prochain dans les locaux d’Ubifrance, acteur majeur de l’accompagnement des entreprises francaises a l’international, dans le cadre de la 5e edition des Rencontres Internationales du Numerique. A cette occasion, nous avons decide d’elargir le debat sur les medias sociaux en entreprise sur la presence de la marque a l’internationale. Le theme de cette conference sera donc:

Medias sociaux : la marque locale, globale ou glocale?

Le 25 octobre 2012 de 14h a 17h
Chez Ubifrance, 77 Bd Saint-Jacques, 75014 Paris
Metro/RER Saint-Jacques ou Denfert-Rochereau
Plan acces

Au programme de cette conference:

A partir de 13h30  Accueil cafe
Dansez avec le dragon ! Medias sociaux en Chine
Par Alban Fournier, Consultant Marketing & Strategie, VALUE2020
Sortez de la bulle ! les medias sociaux Made in USA et Bresil
Par Mohamed Khodja, Chef de Service Marketing online, Ubifrance
De l’hyperLocal au Global
Par Arnaud Bourge, responsable Medias Sociaux, direction du Digital et Marina Tymen, manager Relations presse, Community management & E-reputation, Air France
De l’hyperLocal au National
Par Cynthia Kary et Herve Pillaud, FDSEA 85
Orchestrer la rumeur a l’international?
Par Laurent Gaildraud, auteur de “Orchestrer la rumeur”
 Cocktail et Networking

Entree: 30EUR sans livre; 50EUR avec le livre de Laurent Gaildraud

Etudiants: 10EUR sans livre; 30EUR avec le livre de Laurent Gaildraud